
If you're interested in sedation dentistry in Poway, you'll find knowledgeable and compassionate help at Rolling Hills Family Dentistry. We offer sedation alternatives for patients who truly have a fear of visiting the dentist, because we believe in the importance of regular dental care for everyone. Not only is it crucial for the health of your teeth and gums, but for your overall health as well. Call us today for more information.

Fear of visiting the dentist is not rare. Talk to any group of people, and you'll find that at least some of them are afraid of going to the dentist. Though procedures and methods have improved over the years and have definitely become less uncomfortable, the fact is that some people still feel such anxiety when it comes to going to the dentist that they put off or completely avoid important care.

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At Rolling Hills Family Dentistry, we offer oral conscious sedation for patients who are anxious about getting any type of dental care. Through our use of sedative medications during your visit, you're actually awake during a procedure, though you're completely comfortable and relaxed. You may not even remember the procedure at all! During your treatment your vital signs will be constantly monitored to make sure you're doing alright, and when it's time for you to go home, you'll probably wonder what you were ever anxious about. This not only helps you during an actual procedure, but also helps you to feel more confident about seeking dental care in the future, and that's what we want for you.

Our resident dentist Dr. Shina is fully trained in oral conscious sedation and holds a certificate from the dental board of California that allows him to administer sedative medications for dental procedures. You'll take a prescribed pill right before you come in for your treatment and have someone drive you to your appointment, and then we may provide you with more of the sedative, depending on if you need it or not. Call us today to discuss this procedure, and we'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

When you want sedation dentistry in Poway, you can trust the skilled care at Rolling Hills Family Dentistry. At our clinic, you're always in good hands. Call us today.